How to stop smoking

Free, proven support to help you quit now!

Join the thousands of people who have used Smokefreelife support to help them stop smoking.
Maybe you’ve tried to stop smoking before and it didn’t work, or there are other challenges that are making it difficult for you to stop.We offer free face-to-face support, via a number of community clinics across Berkshire, to get to know you and help you succeed in stopping smoking.



Free, proven support to help you quit now!

Join the thousands of people who have used Smokefreelife support to help them stop smoking.
Our specialist advisors are available to provide free expert advice and guidance on stopping smoking. They can advise on what stop smoking medication is best for you, set up a plan of action and help you address any problems you are facing.

We are available 8.00am – 8:00pm, 7 days a week!



Available treatments to help you stop smoking

Nicotine Gum

Gum is available in three strengths: 2mg, 4mg and 6mg. The 4mg and 6mg gum is most appropriate for smokers who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day, or who are strongly addicted to nicotine. When you use nicotine gum, the nicotine is absorbed through the lining of your mouth. When you first quit you should be chewing about 1 piece of gum every hour. To release the nicotine from the gum, chew until the taste becomes strong or hot. After this you can rest the gum inside your cheek. Once the taste or heat fades you will need to chew again to release more nicotine. Discard the gum after about an hour.

Gradually you can begin to cut down on the amount of gum you use. Try chewing for shorter periods, using smaller pieces, a lower dose or alternating with a non-nicotine gum.

Is gum right for me?

Gum can be helpful because it provides short bursts of nicotine. However, some people can find the taste unpleasant or dislike having to ‘park’ the gum in their mouth.

Nicotine Patches

Nicotine patches work well for most regular smokers and can be worn round the clock (24 hour patches) or just during the time you are awake (16 hour patches), and they work by releasing nicotine directly into the bloodstream through the skin.

How to use patches

There are two ways to use patches: just during the time you are awake (16 hour patch) or both day and night (24 hour patch). The 24 hour patch may cause some sleep disturbance but is helpful for people who have strong cravings during the early morning.

Patches also come in different strengths. Whichever strength you start on you should aim to gradually reduce the strength over time before stopping the usage of patches completely.

Who should use patches

Patches are useful for those who are concerned about discretion (they can be worn easily beneath clothing) or dislike the taste of the oral products. They release a steady amount of nicotine. They may also cause skin irritation for some people.



Lozenges are placed in the mouth and dissolve slowly to release the nicotine and take about 20-30 minutes to dissolve.

How to use lozenges

Nicotine lozenges work in a similar way to nicotine gum. To release the nicotine from the lozenge, suck until the taste becomes strong or hot. After this you can rest the lozenge inside your cheek – once the taste fades you will need to suck again to release more nicotine. Suck until the lozenge has completely dissolved – each one should last 20 to 30 minutes.

You should use lozenges for about twelve weeks. For the first six weeks you should have one lozenge every one to two hours. You should then reduce your intake to one lozenge every two to four hours, finally reducing to once every four to eight hours in the last two weeks of treatment.

Who should use lozenges

Lozenges are helpful because they provide short bursts of nicotine. Lozenges should not be used by people with mouth ulcers.


Inhalators look like a plastic cigarette. The inhalator releases nicotine vapour which gets absorbed through your mouth and throat. If you miss the ‘hand to mouth’ aspect of smoking, these may suit you.

How to use inhalators

A nicotine inhalator works by releasing nicotine vapour when you suck on it. Inhalers work very quickly so you should reach for your inhaler whenever you feel strong cravings for a cigarette. Each inhalator contains a disposable cartridge which has enough nicotine for around 3 to 4, 20 minute puffing sessions. This equates to around 400 puffs.

You should use the inhalator for a total of twelve weeks. Use between six and twelve cartridges per day for the first eight weeks depending on how many cigarettes you smoke. For the following two weeks reduce this by half, finally stopping the use of the inhalator completely in the last two weeks of treatment.

Who should use inhalators

The advantages of inhalators are that they work much more quickly than gum or lozenges. They can be therefore used directly when you experience cravings for a cigarette. They also feel very similar (because of the motion involved in using them) to a cigarette so become a good replacement – especially for those who miss the ‘hand to mouth’ aspect of smoking.

Bupropion (Zyban)

*Only available to people aged 18 or over

Bupropion (brand name Zyban) is a medicine originally used to treat depression, but it has since been found to help people quit smoking. It’s not clear exactly how it works, but it’s thought to have an effect on the parts of the brain involved in addictive behaviour.

It’s taken as 1 to 2 tablets a day. You should start taking it a week or 2 before you try to quit. A course of treatment usually lasts around 7 to 9 weeks.

Mouth Spray

This 1mg fresh mint flavour mouth spray gets to work on cravings in 60 seconds. One dispenser contains 150 sprays of 1mg nicotine per spray. Spraying 1-2 sprays of Quickmist into the mouth is equivalent to one cigarette.

How to use

If using for the first time or if you have not used the spray for 2 days, you must first prime the spray pump. Priming: Point the spray away from you and any other adults, children or pets near you. Press the top of the spray with your index finger 3 times until a fine spray appears. Spray into your mouth avoiding the lips and try not to inhale while spraying and not swallow for a few seconds after spraying. If you find the taste too harsh try spraying onto your hand and use your tongue or finger to transfer spray to mouth (more controlled and effective). Use 1-2 sprays every 30 minutes to 1 hour. No more than 4 sprays per hour. Do not exceed 64 sprays per 24 hours.


Support Near You

Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead

Please see the Clinics and Pharmacies we are supporting below. Also for help outside of our Clinics please download Bella our AI stop smoking App!

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Please see the Clinics and Pharmacies we are supporting below. Also for help outside of our Clinics please download Bella our AI stop smoking App!

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West Berkshire

Please see the Clinics and Pharmacies we are supporting below. Also for help outside of our Clinics please download Bella our AI stop smoking App!

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Please see the Clinics and Pharmacies we are supporting below. Also for help outside of our Clinics please download Bella our AI stop smoking App!

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Please see the Clinics and Pharmacies we are supporting below. Also for help outside of our Clinics please download Bella our AI stop smoking App!

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Alternative Support


Solutions 4 Health are proud to announce the release of Bella. Bella is an Artificial Intelligence app you can download from the App Store and Google Play so you can get the expert support you need to quit smoking for good. Bella is your personal stop smoking coach that has been trained by expert advisors who have helped thousands of people quit smoking. Bella runs on the industry evidence base so you know you are getting help you can trust. Bella will be there for you all the time, whenever you need her, 1am after a difficult day and you want someone to talk to? Need extra motivation during the day? Don’t know how to get started and want some expert guidance? Bella is fully trained to be there with you in these moments.

To quit with Bella is really easy.

Download the app and start talking to Bella. Talk to her in a completely natural way. Advanced artificial intelligence allows for you to have a fluid and human like conversation with Bella.

Answer the questions and talk honestly with Bella. She will use her knowledge to provide you with personalised support. Bella remembers your situations as you describe them to her, so you always get a personalised service.

You can also talk to Bella by pressing and holding the microphone, as well as hearing her talk by pressing and holding a message.

Technology has advanced, and we should now feel the benefits of our progress. Quit with Bella today, and start your journey to becoming smoke free for life!

NHS Smokefree app

The NHS Smokefree app can help you stop smoking by giving daily support and motivation. If you stay smokefree for the 4-week programme you’re up to 5 times more likely to quit for good.

This app is a great way to help keeping you on track throughout the day, used in combination with the support we offer it is able to help keep you quitting!

Join the thousands who have already quit with our support.



Smoking Cessation Nation

Join other quitters to stay motivated as you quit smoking. Open the app when have a craving and instead play a game or connect with others. It also shows you how much money you’re saving and how much you’re helping your body by not smoking. You can earn reward badges for your progress if you’re into incentives.


SmokeFreeLife Berkshire is an e-cigarette-friendly stop-smoking service. E-cigarettes (also called vapes or e-cigs) are far less harmful than cigarettes, and are available from our service to help you to stop smoking for good.

Many thousands of people in the UK have already stopped smoking with the help of an e-cigarette, especially when combined with expert face-to-face support from our specialist advisors.

An e-cigarette is a device that allows you to inhale nicotine in a vapour rather than smoke. E-cigarettes don’t burn tobacco and don’t produce tar or carbon monoxide, two of the most damaging substances in tobacco. Using an e-cigarette can help you manage your nicotine cravings.

To get the best out of it, make sure you’re using it as much as you need to and with the right strength of nicotine in your e-liquid.

Fill in this form to start your smoke-free journey today.